Thursday, July 29, 2010

DominatriX -- Simple grid game

Game. Any plural number of players. n-by-n grid. (I suggest for a 2-player game an n of about 4 to 6 for beginners.)

The first player to move puts an x in any square.

The players take turns. (The player who last drew an x is player A. The player who is now choosing where to put an x is player B.)
The players take turns who is player A and who is player B.
After player A draws an x, she then tells player B how many squares from player A's recent x that player B can put his x. (This distance is k squares.)
Player B then chooses a direction (up, down, right, or left-- whatever is possible, given the edges of the grid) from player A's x that he shall put the new x.
Player B can only put an x in an empty square. And this x must be the number (k) of squares dictated by player A from player A's last x (as I already said).
And, if possible, player A MUST dictate the distance (k) to an empty square from her x.

Last player able to move is the winner.

So, to be the last player, you want to move into an empty square that is the last empty square in that column and row.

I actually played this game with someone else. (I admit, I hardly ever play my games with other people before publishing them. I have a hard time finding people willing to play.)

For novices, I found, the game goes along without too much use of strategy until the last few moves.
I would guess that if the players are more advanced, then strategy would come in sooner. But maybe not. Maybe, maybe, it doesn't really matter how good you are until the last few moves.

Leroy Quet

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